Document and Records Archive
Within this archive we will hold the agendas and minutes of all meetings of the community council, together with copies of all relevant communications with other community councils, Fife Council and any private or public organisation involved with any aspect of the working of Cameron Community Council.
The documents in this archive are held as PDF files or Microsoft Word Documents for convenience. To see or print any file, please click on the item of choice and it will appear in a separate page.
There are limited agendas and minutes in 2020, as the lockdown has restricted meetings
Archived Information
Advert for Fife Children’s Panel – Panel Practice Advisor
Fife Area Support Team are looking for committed and enthusiastic people to join us as Panel Practice Advisors.
We’re looking for people who have good assessment, observation, and communication skills. Above all else we’re looking for people who care about making a difference in the lives of children and young people attending hearings in Scotland.
To find out more on the role join us for a local virtual information session via Microsoft Teams on Tuesday 20 th April 2021. To book a place please email [email protected]
For a full role description and to apply online please visit Vacancies (chscotland.gov.uk). Closing date Wednesday 28 th April 2021.
Children’s Hearings Scotland: recruitment campaign for panel members
The qualities you use every day are exactly what Scotland’s infants, children and young people look for in a Panel Member. Children’s Hearings Scotland is looking for people who care about making a difference in the lives of children attending hearings in Scotland. A Panel Member’s role is to listen and make legal decisions with and for infants, children and young people, and to ensure that the young person is at the heart of every decision taken. As a volunteer you can make a real difference in your local community. This year the campaign will run from 14th January with the last date for applications being 15th February.
Find out more and apply at: chscotland.gov.uk
Café Inc Lunch Clubs
Fife Council are running Café Inc lunch clubs for children, young people and families this Christmas in the East Neuk. Please read here for more information.
Children’s Panel: Recruitment Campaign, Fife
This year’s recruitment campaign for volunteer members of Children’s Panels in Fife will open on Wednesday 21 st August and run for four weeks ending on Tuesday 17 th September 2019.
Find out more by attending an informal information session in Fife House, North Street, Glenrothes on:
- Wed 28 August, 7.00pm
- Mon 9 September, 3.30pm
- Mon 9 September, 7.00pm
While it’s not essential to register, if you’d like to come along to one of the evenings please call 01592 583125, or email [email protected]
Closing date for applications is 17 September 2019, 23.59pm
Fly-tipping (Scotland) Bill: Public consultation
A proposal for a Bill to reduce the incidence of fly-tipping by introducing new measures and strengthening existing measures to prevent it, including by improving data collection, improving enforcement procedures, increasing penalties for offenders, and by making changes regarding liability for the removal of fly-tipped waste.
Consultation by Murdo Fraser MSP, Member for Mid Scotland and Fife Region
Deadline for responses: 23 May 2022
Fife Transport Strategy: public consultation
If you live in, work or travel to and from Fife you are invited to help shape the council’s transport strategy for the region by going to: www.fife.gov.uk/transportstrategy
(Consultation closes 7 March)