Planning Applications in the Cameron area
This is a list (most recent first) of planning applications representing the larger proposed developments within the Cameron Community Council area.
Fife Council publishes all documents relating to each planning application on its website.
If you wish to see the documents associated with any of these applications, go to Simple Search (fife.gov.uk) and type in the application’s reference number.
If you wish to comment on an application during its consultation period, you can do this online by searching for the application on Fife Council’s website, then clicking on the ‘Comments’ tab, then selecting ‘Make a Comment’.
Change of use from former hospital (Class 8) to 27 flatted dwellinghouses (Sui Generis) and
erection of 16 flatted dwellinghouses (Sui Generis) and 6 dwellinghouses (Class 9) and
formation of access and hardstanding and associated landscaping (demolition of existing
ancillary buildings within the curtilage)
Address: Old Hospital Craigtoun St Andrews Fife KY16 8NX
Validated: 13 December 2022Consultation: until 2 February 2023
DECISION: Application permitted with conditions August 2023
Listed building consent for internal and external alterations to Craigtoun hospital and
erection of flatted dwellings and dwellinghouses within the curtilage and associated
landscaping and infrastructure (demolition of existing outbuildings within the curtilage)
Address: Old Hospital Craigtoun St Andrews Fife KY16 8NX
Validated: 13 December 2022Consultation: until 2 February 2023
DECISION: Application permitted with conditions August 2023
Proposal of Application Notice for 20MW solar farm with associated access and infrastructure (Land 800m South of Winthank Farm)
Address: Winthank Farm, Denhead, St Andrews, Fife KY16 8PA
Validated: 1 July 2022
Planning permission in principle for erection of five dwellinghouses with associated access
and parking
Address: Land To East Of Braehead Cottage, Peat Inn, Fife
Validated: 12 May 2022
Construction of emergency access road
Address: Land At Northbank Farm, Cameron, Lathockar, St Andrews, Fife
Validated: 4 March 2022
DECISION: Application withdrawn 17 June 2022
Display of 2 no. non illuminated freestanding hoarding signs
Address: Stewarts Resort, Cameron, St Andrews, Fife KY16 8PE
Validated: 15 February 2022
Status: Registered
Change of forestry land to holiday accommodation site including erection of 21 lodges, electricity substation, sewage treatment facility and formation of access (Non-Material Variation to 05/04061/EFULL for amendment to lodge design).
Consent granted 2006
Address: Clash Wood, Cameron, Fife
Validated: 1 February 2022
DECISION: Application Permitted – no conditions 10 March 2022
Single storey extension to holiday park hub building (amendment to 20/02329/FULL)
Address: Lathockar Farm, Lathockar, St Andrews, Fife KY16 8PE
Validated: 4 March 2022
DECISION: Application Permitted – no conditions 20 June 2022
Change of use of land to allow for the sitting of two lodges for holiday accommodation and seasonal worker accommodation.
Address: Drumcarrow Craig, Denhead, St Andrews, Fife KY16 8PB
Validated: 7 December 2021
DECISION: Application Permitted with Conditions 22 March 2022
Change of use of land to allow for the siting of residential lodge including associated infrastructure (Retrospective).
Address: Drumcarrow Craig, Denhead, St Andrews, Fife KY16 8PB
Validated: 29 November 2021
DECISION: Application Permitted with Conditions 22 March 2022
Refurbishment and change of use of existing mixed-use building (Classes 4 and 6) to form
café with outdoor seating and educational training facility (Classes 3 and 10) (including
demolition of glasshouse and existing extension)
Address: Craigtoun Country Park, Craigtoun, Fife
Validated: 4 April 2023
Extension to tourist, commercial and leisure development including 131 lodge style static caravan pitches and associated infrastructure.
Address: Land at Northbank Farm, Cameron, Lathockar, St Andrews, Fife
Validated: 13 October 2021
DECISION: Refused 7 December 2022
APPEAL: Appeal allowed August 2023
Request for Screening Opinion for the erection of golf course and associated development including club house, hotel and related lodge accommodation, food and drink, spa, access, parking, landscaping and ancillary development and works, with selected demolitions.
Address: Land North of Feddinch Mains, Feddinch, St Andrews, Fife
Validated: 24 March 2021
Proposal of Application Notice for erection of golf course and associated development including club house, hotel and related lodge accommodation, food and drink, spa, access, parking, landscaping and ancillary development and works, with selected demolitions.
Address: Land North of Feddinch Mains, Feddinch, St Andrews, Fife
Validated: 24 March 2021
EIA Scoping Opinion for proposed tourist development (up to 131 holiday lodges).
Address: North Bank Farm, Lathockar, St Andrews, Fife
Validated: 22 March 2021
DECISION: EIA Scoping Agreed
Single storey extension to holiday park hub.
Address: North Bank Farm, Lathockar, St Andrews, Fife
Validated: 26 January 2021
DECISION: Permitted with Conditions
Change of use of land to allow for the siting of 35 retirement caravans including landscaping and associated infrastructure.
Address: North Bank Farm, Lathockar, St Andrews, Fife
Validated: 27 January 2021
DECISION: Refused December 2021
APPEAL: Appeal allowed 10 June 2022
Change of use from agricultural building to retail unit/garden centre (Class 1) and workshop (Class 5) with formation of storage and display area, car wash, parking and external alterations including installation of windows.
Address: Langraw Farm, Feddinch, St Andrews, Fife KY16 8NR
Validated: 20 November 2019
DECISION: Permitted with Conditions
Erection of crematorium with associated access and parking.
Address: 100 Acre Wood, Lathockar, St Andrews, Fife Validated: 25 April 2019
DECISION: Permitted with Conditions
Formation of 42 static holiday caravan pitches, (involving the felling of woodland) with associated vehicular access roads and drainage infrastructure.
Address: Craigtoun Meadows Holiday Park, Craigtoun, St Andrews, Fife KY16 8PQ
Validated: 20 August 2018
DECISION: Permitted with Conditions
Tourist, commercial and leisure development including lodges (82 units), restaurant, reception, retail, access road and drainage infrastructure.
Address: North Bank Farm, Lathockar, St Andrews, Fife
Validated: 30 October 2017
DECISION: Permitted with Conditions
Formation of service yard including a plant and machinery enclosure to serve the golf course complex (renewal of planning permission 13/03706/FULL).
Address: Land North of Feddinch Mains, Feddinch, St Andrews, Fife
Validated: 5 September 2017
DECISION: Permitted with Conditions
Formation of sports pitches and erection of sports pavilion with ancillary works including construction of access road; formation of parking area; drainage works; change of use of bungalow to office; erection of utility/plant building, and structural landscaping.
Address: Land to the North of Winthank Farm, Denhead, Fife
Validated: 16 January 2017
DECISION: Permitted with Conditions
Erection of golf clubhouse (incorporating restaurant, 41 accommodation rooms and shop), demolition of farm steading buildings, landscaping, car park re-modelling and renewable energy plant (Renewal of planning permission granted under 11/06378/FULL).
Address: Feddinch Mains, Feddinch, St Andrews, Fife
Validated: 8 February 2016
DECISION: Deemed refused