Gallery of Photographs about Cameron
This gallery is intended to show Cameron as a lively attractive place to reside and visit.
We want to show not only the countryside, but also the events and projects being undertaken. We want photos of the local flower show or even county show if local residents are featured. We want to show all aspects of life in the Cameron area
Please send good quality photos to The Secretary, including your name and address, a caption and date to let us know where and when. Your photograph/s will be attributed if included in the Gallery.
Photo Gallery - Bankhead Moss

Bankhead Moss is a Scottish Wildlife Trust nature reserve situated west of Peat Inn and is only partially covered by Cameron Community Council as it is on the west extremity of the area.
It is a small raised bog with the characteristic domed centre, and is a very rare habitat in this part of Scotland. It is surrounded by willow scrub, birch and Scots pine and the old drainage ditches are dammed to maintain high water levels. In spite of past industrial activities, there are still at least 6 different kinds of sphagnum moss actively growing in the lint holes.
Around the pools there are sundews – rosette-shaped plants which trap insects as large as dragonflies on the sticky hairs fringing their leaves. The drier ground is dominated by heather, cross-leaved heath and cottongrass, which conceal a good growth of lichens. The birch wood attracts birds such as redpolls and tits.
The reserve is well looked after by SWT Ranger David Blair, who is helped by a team of job seekers and volunteers.
Pictures by Bruce Thomson, September 2010.
Photo Gallery - Landscape Views

Landscape photos taken around Cameron
Pictures by unknown